
In Dunaalmás the “Almáskert” is a venture based on the ideas of master and disciple, rooted in Jászság (part of Hungary), combining the ideas of the grandparent’s past knowledge with the possibilities of the current time. The Jászság is far from Dunaalmás. The forties is also far away from the eighties in time, but both parents taught the importance of the family and the land to their children. These children, as grownups in the always changing world, tried to keep the traditional values as well.

Many years of experience as a housewife, the wisdom, the will to help, met the youthful momentum, and the intent to learn and make things better. Of course this would not have happened without the support of the family.

Special and unique things born if two people met from different ages and geographical locations.

As a teacher I would like to share this with my wider environment. The “Handicraft products of the Almáskert” is a first step in a process to evolve village tourism, but at the same time it is a marketplace in the traditional sense.

We make products from the vegetables and fruits of our own house gardens. Of course the exotic spices (such as cinnamon) we get from the supermarket, but the basil, the chili paprika, the rosemary, and the bay leaf gets to the sauce fresh. The mint and the lemon grass is also grown in the garden.

We do not fertilize these plants, and we do not put any “inert material” to them. We use traditional methods, such as drying to preserve them. Everything is made by hand, and reflects the traditional, Hungarian taste of two people.

Of course besides the traditional preserves and jams, we are also experimenting. That’s how the Chutney, (plum preserve with Hungarian brandy), or the green walnut variants were made.

Best Regards,

The master: Istvánné Tímár and the disciple: Éva Pap

Dunaalmás, 2014.